Maryland State


LAMSFA History

The Ladies Auxiliary of the Maryland State Firemen’s Association was founded in 1931 and was organized by Mrs. Annie Burnette of the Branchville Volunteer Fire Company Ladies Auxiliary.


At the convention of the Maryland State Firemen’s Association at Ocean City, Worchester County, Maryland on the 9th of July, 1931, in the convention hall at 2:30 pm with the consent of the State Organization, A Maryland State Firemen’s Association Auxiliary was formed by the call of the Prince George’s County Firemen’s Auxiliary, with Mrs. Anna Burnett of Branchville, Prince Georges, County acting as Chairperson. Four counties were represented at the organization meeting namely: Prince George’s, Montgomery, Cecil, and Anne Arundel.

A Temporary Chairperson and Secretary were elected. Mrs. Mary Fainter of Hyattsville, Prince George’s County, and Mrs. Genevieve Stewart, of Riverdale heights Prince George’s County respectively.

At Frostburg, on July 6, 7, and 8, 1932, a permanent organization was established with a membership of 18 auxiliaries. By a vote of the Convention body to hold the charter open for a period of six months, the charter membership was increased to 20 members.

Permanente Officers Elected 1931

  • Mrs. Mary Fainter, President
  • Mrs. Anna Burnett Branchville, Senior Vice President
  • Mrs. Emma Housier, Salisbury, Junior Vice President
  • Mrs. Genevieve Stewart, Riverdale Heights, Secretary
  • Mrs. Marion Stitt, Herald Harbor, Treasurer


  • Berwyn Heights, Prince George’s County
  • Bladensburg, Prince George’s County
  • Branchville, Prince George’s County
  • Boulevard Heights, Prince George’s County
  • Brunswick, Frederick County
  • Chesapeake City, Cecil County
  • Chestertown, Kent County
  • Cottage City, Prince George’s County
  • Cabin John Park, Montgomery County
  • Greater Capitol Heights, Prince George’s County
  • Glen Echo, Montgomery County
  • Herald Harbor, Anne Arundel County
  • Hyattsville, Prince George’s County
  • Laurel, Prince George’s County
  • Potomac, Montgomery County
  • Riverdale Heights, Prince George’s County
  • Rock Hall, Kent County
  • Rosedale, Baltimore County
  • Singerly Elkton, Cecil County
  • Salisbury, Wicomico County