In June 1997, President C. Daniel Davis, Jr., charged the EMS Committee with the implementation of an awards program encouraging member companies to participate in year-round or special short-duration programs in the prevention of accidental injury and/or death. The original program contained an extra class recognizing the efforts of those county associations providing such programs. The program was formally announced during the 1998 Convention with the first awards being bestowed during the 1999 Convention.
Projects may be submitted by a department or organization within a member department provided it is verified by the President or Chief of the department. County programs must be verified by the County Association President or Chief Officer.
The awards are presented each year at the annual convention for the following categories:
Year-round program or More Than One Project
(Classified by population of the first due area)
Class I: 0 – 1,500
Class II: 1,501 – 2,500
Class III: 2,501 – 5,000
Class IV: 5,001 – 10,000
Class V: 10,001 – or more, volunteer personnel
Class VI: 10,001 – or more, career personnel
Class VII: County Association Injury Prevention Program
Single Project Programs
(Classified by population of the first due area)
Class I: 0-1,500
Class II: 1,501 – 1,500
Class III: 2,501 – 5,000
Class IV: 5,001 – 10,000
Class V: 10,001 or more, volunteer personnel
Class VI: 10,001 or more, career personnel
Class VII: County Association Injury Prevention Program