Maryland State


The William E. “Rudy” Radisch Firefighter Of The Year Memorial Award

Submission Deadline: April 15

Award Purpose:

Outstanding citizenship and exemplary job achievement.

Award Sponsor:

Chillum-Adelphi Volunteer Fire Department

Award Administration:

Award Description:

The Maryland State Firefighters Association (MSFA) established the Firefighter of the Year Award in 1978, to be presented at the Annual MSFA Convention and Conference each year from nominations received from the member department or individuals. At the December 2, 2018 meeting of the Executive Committee, a proposal was presented by Chillum-Adelphi Volunteer Fire Department to Sponsor the award and rename it. The proposal was approved and will be known as The William E. “Rudy” Radisch Firefighter of the Year Memorial Award. Qualified nominations will be judged by the Firefighter of the Year Committee appointed by the President of the MSFA.

The committee solicits your support in this fine program and asks that you select someone in your department or from a member department of the MSFA for the award.


Award Rules

The rules and guidelines for the Firefighter of the Year Program are as follows:

1. Nominee must be from a member department of the Maryland State Firefighters Association.

2. Any active member of a department of the Maryland State Firefighters Association may submit the name of a nominee for the award.

3. Nominations must be submitted on an individual basis only on official letterhead or department stationary with the official MSFA Firefighter of the Year Nomination Form attached. Form must be signed with the title of the person submitting the nomination. A photograph of the nominee shall be submitted with the form.

4. Nomination must be submitted to the Chairperson of the Firefighter of the Year Committee no later than April 15th of each year. Any late entries will not be considered. The mailing address for the entries is:

Timothy F. Dayton
Chairman – MSFA Firefighter of the Year Committee
311 Spruce Street
Westernport, MD 21562

5. Guidelines for selection of nominee:

a. Outstanding citizenship, i.e., activities by a firefighter to better his/her department and the community at large, etc.

b. Exemplary job achievement, i.e., lecturing at school on fire safety, setting up a program of fire inspections, fundraising, etc.

c. This award will be for calendar year only.

NOTE: This award will not be judged on acts of heroism. All heroism nominations should be directed to the Colburn Trophy Award.

6. Awarding of the Firefighter of the Year Plaque and Certificates:

a. Award to be made at the Annual MSFA Convention and Conference.

b. Winner to receive a large plaque annually

c. Winner receives the Firefighter of the Year Medal and Ribbon Bar, which was approved by the Executive Committee in 2002. The ribbon is red and white and the gold medal is inscribed as Firefighter of the Year, with the MSFA Seal in the center.

d. Awarding of plaque and medal to be made by the President of the Maryland State Firefighters Association.

e. Certificates will be presented or mailed to all nominees.