Maryland State


LAMSFA Silver Spring Award

Submission Deadline: April 18

Award Purpose:

Auxiliary member(s) who do(es) the most in fire prevention for their community

Award Sponsor:

Silver Spring Fire Department

Award Administration:

Award Description:

The Silver Spring Trophy is awarded each year at the Annual Convention of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Maryland State Firemen’s Association, to the Auxiliary member(s) who do(es) the most in fire prevention for their community. The intent of the award is to recognize fire prevention activities which the individual(s) perform(s) within their particular community.

Award Rules

  1. Recipient must be a member(s) of an Auxiliary, which is a member of the LAMSFA.
  2. The Fire Prevention work shall have been accomplished by members(s) serving as volunteer(s).
  3. An auxiliary in writing (letter) must nominate individuals. Letters must be submitted to the Chairperson of the LAMSFA Fire Prevention Committee no later than Spring Conference.
  4. The Auxiliary shall forward complete detailed information on the work accomplished by individual(s). Photographs and newspaper clippings must be dated and the sources indicated. The entry should cover a one-time project at any time during the period of January to December. Only one entry per auxiliary will be allowed.
  5. Nominees are subject to investigation by this committee.
  6. The LAMSFA Fire Prevention Committee shall appoint Judges. The judges’ decision will be final.
  7. Please have your Auxiliary President certify that the material reflected in your entry is for the period designated in item 4.
  8. Nominations, containing full name, title, and auxiliary name, shall be submitted to:

Michelle Williamson, Co-Chair
LAMSFA Fire Prevention Committee
3655 Old Level Road
Havre de Grace, MD 21078