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Maryland State


MSFA Committees Listed by Branch

Within the Maryland State Firemen’s Association, a multitude of Committees serve diverse functions. Explore any of the committees listed below to access team information and delve deeper into their roles and responsibilities.

Are you interested in being involved in the MSFA?

The MSFA and its Committees play a significant role in shaping the decisions and programs that steer the daily operations of fire, EMS, and rescue companies. MSFA is actively seeking Maryland emergency service providers to contribute their expertise to the activities of the MSFA Committees.

Kindly complete our Committee Member Interest Form to express your interest.


Committee Branches


Committee Directors

Clarence “Chip” Jewell


Libertytown Volunteer Fire Department

Lee A. Lutz


Glenn Dale Volunteer Fire Association

Randy Smith


Dunkirk Volunteer Fire Department

Douglas “Doug” R. Simpkins, Jr.

Finance | Strategic Initiatives

Arbutus Volunteer Fire Company

Robert P. Phillips

Fire Prevention & Life Safety

Rescue Fire Company

Ronald “Ron” A. Block


Cape St. Claire Volunteer Fire Company

Eric Smothers, P.P.


Brunswick Volunteer Ambulance Rescue Service

Stanley S. “Buddy” Sutton

Member Benefits

Laytonsville District Volunteer Fire Department

Timothy F. Dayton

Public Information

Potomac Volunteer Fire Company #1

W. Newton “Skip” Carey Jr.

Resource Management

Ocean City Volunteer Fire Department

Mark A. Bilger, P.P.

Training & Safety

Hampstead Volunteer Fire Company

William “Bill” Faust


Sudlersville Volunteer Fire Company