The Firefighter of the Year Award is a very prestigious award. Only one individual is selected each year. The award is presented to the winning individual during the Annual MSFA Convention held in June.
Each year, the Firefighter of the Year Committee strives to get as many nominations as possible. Every company is encouraged to submit their nominee for this high honor. All nominees will receive a certificate of nomination at the Convention.
The Firefighter of the Year Award is judged on what the nominee has done during the calendar year preceding the Annual MSFA Convention.
Some examples of what the award is judged on are: outstanding citizenship (i.e., activities that would better his/her fire department and community), lecturing at schools on fire safety, setting up programs for fire inspections, fundraising, etc. NOTE: This award will not be judged on acts of heroism. All heroism nominations are to be directed to the Colburn Trophy Award.
The winner of the Firefighter of the Year Award will receive a jacket with the Maryland State Firemen’s Association logo and Firefighter of the Year embroidered on it. The winner will also receive a large plaque, a Firefighter of the Year patch, and a uniform medal and ribbon. In addition, the winner’s name will be permanently engraved on a master plaque that is displayed in the Maryland Firefighter’s Room at the University of Maryland. The winner’s name will also be printed in the Annual Convention and Conference Program Book.