Maryland State


Fire Prevention & Life Safety Committee

The MSFA Fire Prevention & Life Safety Committee membership consists of at least nine members, three to be named each year for terms of three years.

The Committee develops and promotes a statewide, year-round fire and life safety prevention program. The committee consists of at least nine members with three members named each year.

Read the Duties and Responsibilities below.

Duties & Responsibilities:

  • The Committee shall develop and promote a year-round fire and life safety prevention program statewide.
  • The program shall be planned and promoted to inform the people of Maryland of all age groups.
  • The program shall be developed and carried forward with the Director of the Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute (MFRI) and the State Fire Marshal, who will serve as technical advisers to the Committee. The committee may enlist the aid of any interested organization, group, or individuals at the discretion of the Fire Prevention & Life Safety Committee or the direction of the Executive Committee.
  • The Committee shall furnish a written report at each meeting of the Executive Committee, and it shall present a complete report of committee activities during the year to the delegates assembled at the Annual MSFA Convention and Conference.
  • The Committee shall maintain a liaison between the Governor’s Fire Prevention Conference and the MSFA.

Additional Duties & Responsibilities:

  • Promote fire and injury prevention and life safety education throughout the year.
  • Have a fire and injury prevention display at all MSFA functions throughout the state and at all Executive Committee meetings.
  • The message on display should change at each meeting.
  • Develop and promote a watch program.
  • Coordinate with each county or regional association that has a safety house and develop a partnership and assist in displaying these safety houses.
  • Develop, produce, and distribute written and media materials that include fire and injury prevention messages to include: posters, billboards, web-based materials, and other formats that promote fire and injury prevention and life safety messages in local communities and statewide.
Fire Prevention and Life Safety

Committee Members

Teresa Ann Crisman


Robert E. Collins

Chairman Emeritus

Roy Sollod

Vice Chairman

Holly Trego

Daria Brown


Lisa Angyelof

Alyssa Apple

Rosie Beall

Randi Beavers

Robert Couchenour

Amanda Crossley

Emily Dean

Pat Deamond

Donald Ford

Debbie Gartrell-Kemp

Kristi Grinder

Barbara Hilton

Susan Hilton

Jane Huffman

Christine Jackson

Caroline Little

Emily Moyers

Robbie Murray

Kim O’Malley

Stacey Holden

Sharon Paugh

James Kohl

Dean Smith

Thomas P. Collins

Chairman Emeritus

Rose Pandolfini


Carrie Reid

Dave Reid

Darlene Robinson

Laurie Logue-Ruckman

Marlene Schaeffer

Kim Shelton

Tim Shelton

Paul Tinsley

Kay Trego

Joe Tolliver

Ruth Tolliver

John E. Wathen

J.W. Wathen

Bridget Weishaar

Joseph Walters


Ashley Paulsen


Barbara Sue Nelson

LAMSFA Liaison

Becky Wathen

LAMSFA Liaison

President Jim Resnick

Timothy S. Delehanty

MFRI Liaison

David Lewis PP

MSFA Grants Liaison

Bruce Bouch

US Fire Administration

Mark Pearlman

Silver Spring Award

Susan Myatt

Silver Spring Award