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Maryland State


LAMSFA Constitution & Bylaws

ARTICLE I | Name And Membership Section 1. NameThe name of this organization shall be the Ladies’ Auxiliary of the Maryland State Firemen’s Association (herein referred to as the Auxiliary). […]

LAMSFA Conference Song

Tune: “Believe Me If All Those Endearing Young Charms” Oh! Friends as we gather once more to renew, Our hopes and our faith in our task, May our failures all […]

Fire Prevention Contest – Mouse Pad

Submission Deadline: April 22, 2023 Dimension shall be no smaller than 9 x 9 inches. Can be made of Card Stock, Construction Paper or Poster Board. Each Mouse Pad shall […]

LAMSFA Multigenerational Registration

In recognition of a tradition of multi-generational service in a Maryland Fire / EMS Auxiliary. All generations should be living but not necessarily active. You do not have to belong […]

LAMSFA 50 Year Member’s Registration

In recognition of 50 continuous years in a Maryland Auxiliary, awarded in 5 year increments. It is very important that the Name & Auxiliary information is carefully entered. Certificate(s) will […]

LAMSFA 50 Year Auxiliary Registration

In recognition of 50 continuous years as a Maryland Auxiliary, awarded in 5 year increments. It is very important that the Auxiliary information is carefully entered. Certificate will be printed […]

LAMSFA History Of The Annual Grant-In-Aid Program

The Ladies Auxiliary of the Maryland State Firemen’s Association established an Annual Grant-In-Aid at the University of Maryland in September 1957 for an outstanding high school graduate enrolled in the […]

Constitution & Bylaws

Articles and committee members can be found on this page.  Contact Constitution & Bylaws Committee Constitution & Bylaws Constitution & Bylaws Committee Members

LAMSFA Resources

Constitution & Bylaws The Ladies Auxiliary of the Maryland State Firemen’s Association adopted the organization’s current constitution and bylaws on April 7, 1988 at the Spring Conference held in Hagerstown, […]