Maryland State


Getting Started With The VCAF Application Process

Your Company must talk with its Regional VCAF Representative before embarking on a vehicle, equipment, or facility project. Lack of initial planning and VCAF Committee involvement can cost your company the opportunity to obtain a VCAF loan and/or grant.

Your Company must know what they are buying or building and when they plan to take delivery of the equipment or ownership of the facility. The Company’s administration should consider beginning the VCAF loan or grant process by:

  • Establishing a committee to determine the equipment or facility specification – what they want and more importantly what the company really requires to provide adequate fire, EMS, and rescue services
  • Identifying vendors or builders that are qualified to supply or refurbish the equipment, or build/improve the facility
  • Refining specifications to ensure your Company is going to get what they expect and that the vendors/builders can provide “apples-to-apples” proposals, and
  • Working with the vendors/builders to obtain cost estimates for the equipment or facility to ensure affordability before making a final procurement decision

The Company administration should also establish a committee or team to take responsibility for developing the company’s financial plan, fundraising strategy, etc. necessary to successfully purchase the equipment or build the facility.

The Company finance team should be prepared to work with its Regional VCAF Representative to fulfill the requirements of the VCAF loans and grants process, which has two main components: the application process and the settlement process:

  • The application process begins when the Company decides to purchase, replace, or improve firefighting and/or rescue equipment or facilities used to house emergency services equipment and submits an application to the MSFA VCAF Committee in accordance with applicable instructions and guidelines. Your Regional VCAF Representative will assist your company with the application process. The Regional VCAF Representative will review the application for completeness and will coordinate your submission with the VCAF Committee. The VCAF Committee will review your company’s application to ensure completeness and compliance with the governing Maryland Code and if acceptable, the Committee will obtain MSFA Executive Committee approval and then submit the application to the Maryland Department of Emergency Management (MDEM) for Maryland State Board of Public Works (Governor, Treasurer, and Comptroller) approval.
  • The settlement process begins after the loan and/or grant application is approved by the Maryland State Board of Public Works. In order to ensure completeness and facilitate timeliness, the Company’s Regional VCAF Representative will guide the Company through the settlement process. The Representative will ensure that all required forms and supporting documents are complete and current before submitting them to the MDEM.

VCAF Information


All companies applying for a loan and/or grant must have a representative attend the MSFA VCAF Committee meeting and MSFA Executive Committee meeting. Companies that fail to attend either meeting will be disqualified and the company will have to reapply during the next open application period.