Tags are for Maryland’s dedicated and brave individuals who are active members of fire departments, rescue squads, or ambulance companies affiliated with the MSFA.


- Department/Company name and NFIRS number must be present.
- Both the Department Representative and County Coordinator signatures must be present.
- The vehicle’s current tag number must be present.
- The $10.00 MSFA processing fee must be included with the application. The MSFA accepts cash, check or money order (please make payable to Maryland State Firemen’s Association).
Frequently Asked Questions
Current cost is $10.00 paid to MSFA. There will be periodic re-certification, currently every 5 years (done by your department), which will confirm eligibility to keep the tags, and which will require payment of an additional fee (currently $10.00). There are no additional fees paid to MVA.
*Please note all fees and procedures are subject to change.
- A Class A (passenger) vehicle;
- A Class E (truck) vehicle with a manufacturer’s rated capacity of one ton or less; or
- A Class M (multipurpose) vehicle.
- Motorcyclist organization.
Yes, you can transfer current tags.
ex. From class A to class M.
- Have the dealer put a temporary tag on the vehicle,
- Make sure you keep your MSFA tags,
- Contact the MSFA Transportation Committee Chair. We will have your tag transferred to your new vehicle as soon as you receive your new title.
§ 13-619. Special registration plates for members of certain organizations.
(a) Who may apply. The owner of a motor vehicle, or a lessee of the vehicle
under a lease not intended as security, or a director, officer, employee, or
partner of a business entity that owns the vehicle who is a member or, subject
to subsection (c) (3) of this section, the surviving spouse of a member, of an
organization considered eligible by the Administration may apply to the
Administration for the assignment of a special registration number if the
vehicle is included in one of the following classes:
(c) Nonprofit organization. – The Administration may issue and continue a
special registration number under this section if:
(3) In the case of an owner who is applying as a surviving spouse, the owner
submits proof satisfactory to the Administration that at the time of death of the owner’s spouse, the deceased spouse was the holder of a special registration number issued under this section.
Yes. A new tag may be issued.
- No tag numbers will be created.
- You be able to get the next off-the-shelf.
- Coordinators must issue both forms make sure the form is marked gratis.
- Old tag# must be listed in the form.
- Old tags must be turned in to MVA within 7 days, as they track all tags not turned in.
Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT)
Application Form
MVA form V 124A for MSFA tag applications Rev-3-23
Application Directions
Directions for Revised MVA form VR-124A