Our mission is to serve, promote, advocate, and represent the interests of the volunteer fire, rescue, and emergency medical services of Maryland.
Organized 1893
The Maryland State Firefighters Association (MSFA) is a cumulation of the volunteer fire, rescue and EMS companies of the state of Maryland, and seeks to ensure adequate training and education, as well as standards in leadership and equipment to ensure the citizens of the state of Maryland receive consistent, professional emergency services no matter where in the state they reside.
Keep up with the latest news and events from the MSFA. Follow us on all our social media platforms for updates and insights directly from the Association.
Retention & Recruitment Officer Classes Schedule Updated
UPDATED!! We have rescheduled the Western Maryland offering of MissionCIT’s Retention and Recruitment Officer course! October 5th & 6th in Cumberland.Not in Western MD? We have four other remaining classes
OSHA Public Hearing Announcement
OSHA Public Hearing Announcement is below: DoL OSHA Public Hearing Announcement