Maryland State


LAMSFA Safety Contest – Situational Awareness Coaster


Submission Deadline: April 27, 2024 (Spring Conference) NO LATE ENTRIES ACCEPTED.

  1. Must be a SAFETY MESSAGE only. Must NOT contain a Fire Prevention/Fire Safety Message.
  2. Card stock, construction paper or poster board can be used to make your coaster.
  3. Measurements for the coasters are no smaller or no larger than 4 x 4 inches.
  4. Message only on one (1) side.
  5. No bulky add-ons to the entry. Securely attach all items.
  6. Your Name, Auxiliary’s Name and County’s name must be typed or printed on a card and attached to the reverse side of each entry.
  7. Only one (1) entry per individual and only one (1) entry per Auxiliary shall be allowed. This contest is open to all LAMSFA member auxiliaries as well as all members of these same auxiliaries.
  8. An independent panel of judges shall perform the judging.
  9. Judging will be based upon the Safety Message, Originality, and Overall Appearance of the entry submitted.
  10. All rules must be followed, or disqualification will result.
  11. The decisions of the judge(s) are final.
  12. Winners will be announced at the Convention.
All entries will become the property of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Maryland State Firemen’s Association, which reserves the right to reproduce, and distribute any entry received by this committee.