Maryland State


LAMSFA Constitution & Bylaws

Section 1. Name
The name of this organization shall be the Ladies’ Auxiliary of the Maryland State Firemen’s Association (herein referred to as the Auxiliary).

Section 2. Membership
The membership shall consist of any auxiliary whose affiliated with a member a member of the Maryland State Firemen’s Association. Any existing member auxiliary that becomes separated from its MSFA member but continues to actively support the projects of the Ladies’ Auxiliary of the Maryland State Firemen’s Association may retain its membership.

Section 3. Active Membership Dues
Active membership shall consist of member auxiliaries whose annual dues have been paid by December 31st, for the current year.

Section 4. Fiscal Year
Section 4a. The fiscal year shall be July 1 – June 30.
Section 4b. The financial records of the Treasurer of the Auxiliary shall be maintained in the digital format compatible with the Maryland State Firemen’s’ Association.
Section 4c. The President, Treasurer, Financial Secretary, and Bessie Marshall Chairperson shall continue in their financial capacities until the end of the fiscal year.
Section 4d. The newly elected officers shall commence their financial duties at the beginning of the fiscal year.

Section 1. Dues
Dues of forty ($40.00) dollars shall be paid annually for the current year (July 1 – June 30) by Fall Conference. Any auxiliary whose dues have not been paid by Fall Conference will be notified by certified return-receipt requested mail. If dues are not paid by December 31st of the current year the auxiliary will be automatically dropped from membership. Any auxiliary joining after December 31st shall pay dues of twenty ($20.00). Any auxiliary whose membership has lapsed on December 31st for the current year must pay the full current year dues of forty ($40.00) to be reinstated and to be members in good standing.

Section 2. All Monies to Financial Secretary
All monies due the Auxiliary must be turned in to the Financial Secretary.

Section 3. Solicitations limited to State Auxiliary of the State Firemen’s Association
Only the solicitation(s) of monies pertinent to the State Auxiliary of the State Firemen’s Association work will be conducted within the meeting room(s). All other auxiliaries will refrain from their individual solicitation(s). The local auxiliary hosting Fall or Spring Conference may hold one (1) raffle at their respective conferences.

Section 1. Annual Convention
The annual convention shall be held at the same place and dates as the Maryland State Firemen’s Association’s Convention.

Section 2. Conferences
Two (2) conferences of the Auxiliary shall be held each year, one (1) ninety (90) to one hundred thirty (130) days after the annual convention and the other sixty (60) to ninety (90) days before the annual convention, the time and place of each conference shall be designated by the conference chairperson.

Section 3. Special Meetings
Special meetings may be called by the President.

Section 1. Quorum
A Quorum shall consist of one-fourth (ÂĽ) of the active membership.

Section 2. Robert’s Rules of Order
Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised, are the basis of this Constitution and Bylaws and shall govern on any question not specifically covered by this Constitution and Bylaws.

Section 3. Limiting Debate
No member shall speak longer than five (5) minutes on any subject.

Section 1 a. Auxiliary Delegate and Alternate Representation
Each member auxiliary is entitled to five (5) delegates and five (5) alternates who shall represent their respective auxiliary.

Section 1b. Past President Voting
Each Past President shall be entitled to one (1) vote and to participate in the proceedings of the annual convention and all meetings. A Past President cannot cast a ballot as both a Past President and a delegate.
Section 2a. Delegates and Alternates Convention Registration
For convention, member auxiliaries will furnish a proper credential form naming delegates and alternates to the Recording Secretary of the Auxiliary on or before May 1st. A delegate’s or alternate’s name may not appear on more than one (1) credential sheet. The chairperson or designated person shall register for her/his auxiliary with the Credential Committee. Registration will not be taken for the Memorial Service and the Installation of Officers.

Section 2b. Delegates and Alternates Conference Registration
For conferences, one (1) member of the delegation attending shall register with the Credential Committee as Chairperson of the Delegates.

Section 3. Registration Fee
A registration fee, the amount to be announced at Spring Conference by the Chairperson of Pins and Badges shall be collected from the chairperson of delegates for each person registered as a delegate, alternate, and guest at convention. There will be no charge for officers and Past President badges.

Section 1. Nomination of Officers
Nomination of officers shall be opened at Spring Conference by reading of nomination forms by the Corresponding Secretary and closed at the first session of the annual convention after nominations from the floor have been accepted. Election of officers shall be held at the second session of convention.

Section 2. Officer Elections
A majority of votes of the auxiliaries and Past Presidents present and voting shall be required to elect. Each active auxiliary is entitled to five (5) votes and all Past Presidents who are not a delegate or alternate shall have one (1) vote. Voting shall be by ballot.

Section 3. Failure to Elect
Whenever there are more than two (2) candidates and there is a failure to elect, the candidate receiving the lowest number of votes shall be dropped and successive ballots cast until there is an election for that office.

Section 4. Judges and Tellers
The President shall appoint one (1) judge and four (4) tellers. The judge shall report the count to the convention body.

Section 5. Candidate Eligibility
Any member of an auxiliary, which maintains active membership in the Ladies’ Auxiliary of the Maryland State Firemen’s Association, shall be entitled to candidacy for the office provided a nomination form, signed by the secretary and president of her/his auxiliary for said office is submitted. A person may be nominated for one office. Candidate must be present, or submit a logical reason for absence in writing, at the first session of convention or her/his name will be crossed from the ballot.

A letter of endorsement shall accompany the nomination form for a first-time candidate. Any auxiliary is entitled to have two members holding office at one time. All officers shall be elected to serve a term of one (1) year with the exception of Treasurer who shall be elected to a three (3) year term. The President cannot succeed herself/himself. A candidate for the presidency must have served as Junior or Senior Vice President in the Auxiliary. All officers shall take the oath of office. An officer, who is deemed derelict in the performance of her/his duties by the Executive Committee, shall appear before said committee to answer the charges of her/his dereliction. If the committee, by a majority vote of those present and voting, finds the charges valid after the hearing, she/he shall be removed from office. (This section shall be included on the nomination blanks that go to the auxiliaries.)

Section 6. Election rules as indicated below will govern the elections of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Maryland State Firemen’s Association:

  1. Polls are open from 8:00 – 8:45 am.
  2. The Guard shall be at her / his station while the polls are open.
  3. The Auxiliary is to be divided into at least four (4) sections at the Registration Desk to accommodate roll call and elections.
  4. To avoid duplicate registration there shall be a Chairperson of Delegates Badge of different color which must be worn by the person picking up the ballot and registering for the delegates.
  5. No ballots are to be removed from the meeting room.
  6. At Spring Conference the Judge of Elections shall present the proposed election procedures for the annual convention. The Auxiliaries and Past Presidents shall review and affirm or make any changes to the procedures they deem necessary for convention.
  7. Only those auxiliaries and Past Presidents voting on the first ballot are eligible for any revote.
  8. Prior to the second ballot, the name of the candidate to be deleted shall be announced and the Chairperson of Delegates or a designated person with the Chairperson of Delegates Badge from each eligible auxiliary shall pick up a ballot from the appropriate Credential Table. Eligible Past Presidents shall pick up a ballot from the Credential Chairperson.
  9. The meeting shall be called to order at 9:00 a.m.
  10. The approved procedures shall be read at the first session of convention and appear on a separate page of the Spring Conference Minutes and in the Proceedings Book.

Section 7. Installation of Officers
Installation of officers shall be held at a designated session of convention. The immediate Past President shall be the Installing Officer. The incoming President shall receive five hundred dollars ($500.00) per convention to defray installation expenses.

Section 1a. Elected Officers
The elected officers of the Auxiliary shall be President, Senior Vice President, Junior Vice President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, Financial Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Chaplain, Vice Chaplain, Historian, Guard, and two (2) Color Bearers.

Section 1b. Appointed Officers
The appointed officers of the Auxiliary shall be Conference Chairperson and Bessie Marshall Benefit Chairperson.

Section 2a. Standing Committees
The standing committees shall be Ads and Patrons, Auditing, Bessie Marshall Benefit, Conference, Constitution and Bylaws, Convention, Convention Memorial, County Organizers and Sick, Credential, Executive, Exhibits, Fire Prevention, Hall of Fame, Incentive Programs, Judge and Tellers, Legislative – 17 State Circle, Membership, Music, Pages, Parliamentarian, Pins and Badges, President’s Vehicle, Public Relations, Publicity, Safety, Mary Smith Purdum Scholarship, Standard Procedure, Ways and Means, and $10,000 Raffle. All committees should have at least three (3) members, with the exception of the Parliamentarian, unless otherwise specified.

Section 2b. Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall be comprised of the officers of the Auxiliary, committee chairmen, the Parliamentarian and Past Presidents.

Section 2c. Membership Committee
The Membership Committee shall be comprised of the Junior Vice President as Chairperson and twenty-three (23) County Organizers appointed by the President.

Section 3. Standing Committee and Special Committee Fund Restrictions
No standing Committee or special committee shall give away free gifts purchased with Auxiliary funds. Distribution of educational materials promoting fire prevention or safety practices purchased entirely with funds realized through fund raising activities of the Fire Prevention and Safety Committees is authorized.

Section 4. Committee Financial Accounts
No individual accounts of any type are to be opened up by any Committee Chairperson without prior approval of the body. If and when a new committee is established it will be listed in Article IX. Funds from all committees are to be turned in to the Financial Secretary at least monthly.

Section 1. President The duties of the President shall be to preside at all conference and convention meetings; be an ex officio member of all committees: appoint committees (standing and special committees to be appointed within thirty (30) days of installation); sign all orders for the Treasurer for payment of bills; countersign checks; make a report at the annual convention and perform such other duties as may be required. She/he shall not approve payment of bills for special activities without the approval of the body. She/he shall be reimbursed for expenses limited to postage, telephone and tolls, and receive one hundred dollars ($100.00) to defray other miscellaneous expenses. She/he shall have vehicle at her/his disposal to be used ONLY for official LAMSFA business and travel and shall be operated by the President or her/his designee. Maintenance and gas for this vehicle shall be covered by the auxiliary under the jurisdiction of the MSFA. Detailed expenditure records along with receipts must be maintained on a quarterly basis by the President and presented to the Chairperson of the President’s Vehicle Committee. If for any reason said vehicle is not useable for any reason the President must keep an accurate expense record for reimbursement and will be reimbursed for this mileage at the federal rate. She/he shall present a condensed report of her/his work to the Maryland State Firemen’s Association at convention. In the event of a vacancy occurring in an elected office, the President shall appoint within thirty (30) days a Past President to fill and serve the unexpired term, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee, except for the Officers of the President and Chaplain, whose duties are automatically assumed by the Vice President and the Vice Chaplain. Section 2. Senior Vice President The Senior Vice President shall assume the duties of the President in her/his absence or disability. She/he shall preside at all Executive Committee meetings. She/he shall serve as Chairperson of the Constitution and Bylaws Committee, and shall hold a committee meeting, at a specified time and place, for any proposed amendments. She/he shall be reimbursed for expenses limited to supplies, postage and telephone, and receive fifty dollars ($50.00) to defray other miscellaneous expenses.

Section 3. Junior Vice President The Junior Vice President shall assume the duties of the President in the absence or disability of both the President and the Senior Vice President. She/he shall serve as Chairperson of the Membership Committee. She/he shall be reimbursed for expenses limited to supplies, postage and telephone, and receive fifty dollars ($50.00) to defray other miscellaneous expenses.

Section 4. Recording Secretary The Recording Secretary shall keep in a book provided for the purpose, a complete and permanent record of the proceedings of all meetings of the Auxiliary and Executive Committee. She/he shall mail to each member auxiliary, officer, and Past President, forty five (45) days after Fall Conference and before June 1st for Spring Conference condensed minutes of conferences, respectively including motions, amendments to Constitution and Bylaws, and financial reports. She/he shall make an annual report to the Auxiliary and such other reports as the President and Executive Committee may require: mail credential sheets to each auxiliary by February 1st of each year. She/he shall prepare a roll of the active auxiliaries and deliver this roll together with the credentials of the delegates and alternates to the Credential Committee Chairperson by June 1st. She/he shall receive a working fund of five hundred dollars ($500.00). She/he shall be reimbursed for expenses limited to supplies, postage and telephone, and receive fifty dollars ($50.00) to defray other miscellaneous expenses. The outgoing Recording Secretary shall be responsible for the preparation and delivery of the procedure books to the current Recording Secretary at Fall Conference for distribution and mailing immediately to all auxiliaries and Past Presidents not present at Fall Conference. The current Recording Secretary shall coordinate the February 1st mailing with the Corresponding Secretary.

Section 5. Treasurer The Treasurer shall serve as ranking financial officer. All officers and committee chairmen who handle money will be under the directives of the Treasurer. The Treasurer shall receive all monies from the Financial Secretary and give receipt therefore and deposit said monies in the bank within ten (10) days; pay all bills on orders signed by the President and Financial Secretary; secure bond for President, Financial Secretary, Treasurer, Bessie Marshall Benefit Chairperson, Ads and Patrons Chairperson, Conference Chairperson and Ways and Means Chairperson, retaining same. The Treasurer shall maintain a separate account to account for the income and expenses pertaining to the President’s Vehicle Committee. Report financial transactions occurring from conference to conference to convention, with an annual report printed in the procedure book. Treasurer’s report shall be condensed for the minutes, as the report printed in the book is complete for the year. (Each item to be clearly identified.) The Treasurer shall when her/his term is up (after Convention) forward a complete copy of the financial report to the Treasurer of the Maryland State Firemen’s Association to be filed with the Association’s tax forms. She /he shall receive a working fund of fifty dollars ($50.00). She/he shall be reimbursed for expenses limited to supplies, postage and telephone and receive seventy-five dollars ($75.00) to defray other miscellaneous expenses.

Section 6. Financial Secretary The Financial Secretary shall collect all monies due the Auxiliary giving receipt for the same, paying same to the Treasurer and receiving a receipt therefore; countersign all orders for the Treasurer for payment of money authorized by the Auxiliary and make a record of same; report financial transactions limited to totals occurring from conference to conference to convention; countersign checks when necessary; receive all bank statements, audit same and then forward to the Treasurer; mail a bill for dues to each auxiliary by August 1st of each year, said bill to contain a notice prominently displayed that dues are payable in advance and will be considered in arrears after Fall Conference. By October 31st of each year she/he shall mail a certified return-receipt requested notice to all auxiliaries whose dues have not been paid for the current year stating that any auxiliary whose dues have not been received by December 31st will be automatically dropped from membership; and issue receipt upon payment of dues, forwarding list of auxiliaries whose dues have not been paid by December 31st to the Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Membership Chairperson, and the Credential Chairperson. She/he shall receive a working fund of one hundred dollars ($100.00). She/he shall be reimbursed for expenses limited to supplies, postage, and telephone, and receive fifty dollars ($50.00) to defray other miscellaneous expenses.

Section 7. Corresponding Secretary The Corresponding Secretary shall receive all communications and answer same. She shall receive all changes of address and maintain a current address list to provide labels to officers and committee chairs as requested. She/he shall mail a sample ballot of all proposed amendments immediately following Spring Conference to any Auxiliary and Past President that was not in attendance. Any other correspondence requested by the President; send all changes of address to officers and committee chairmen; be responsible for the printing and distribution of nomination forms to member auxiliaries by February 1st and make a report of same at the Spring Conference; be responsible for printing and providing to the Credentials Chairperson at convention the list of candidates to correspond to the line numbers on the ballots for the election of officers and proposed amendments; and make a report at the annual convention. Immediately following each convention, she/he shall send any Past President who could not attend convention an acknowledgement note. She/he shall receive a working fund of five hundred dollars ($500.00). She/he shall be reimbursed for expenses limited to supplies, postage and telephone, and receive fifty dollars ($50.00) to defray other miscellaneous expenses. She/he shall coordinate the September 1st and February 1st mailing with the Recording Secretary. She/he shall maintain the security of all members’ privacy information and shall not be released without presidential concurrence.

Section 8. Chaplain The Chaplain shall open all conferences, conventions and executive meetings with a prayer; assist the Maryland State Firemen’s Association at Convention Memorial Services and others when requested; issue two (2) copies of a Memorial Certificate, one (1) for the family and one (1) for the auxiliary of the deceased member. She/he shall keep in a book, provided for the purpose, a complete and permanent record listing the names of all deceased members. She/he shall receive a working fund of two hundred dollars ($200.00).

Section 9. Vice Chaplain The Vice Chaplain shall assume the duties of the Chaplain in her/his absence or disability. She/he shall close all conferences, conventions and executive meetings with a prayer.

Section 10. Historian The Historian shall keep the history for the State Auxiliary. She/he shall add any historical events including a list of the Auxiliary officers. She/he shall prepare a written report, to be printed in the procedure book, pertaining to Fall and Spring Conferences (including complete motions, Bylaw changes and amendments). She/he shall be reimbursed for expenses limited to essential supplies and shall receive seventy-five dollars ($75.00) working fund.

Section 11. Guard The Guard shall keep the door, receive and introduce all visitors to the President. (Appointed pages (2) shall act as messengers at all times.) The Guard and Pages shall monitor the doors during election to assure that no ballots leave the meeting room.

Section 12. Color Bearers The Color Bearer receiving the highest number of votes shall advance and retire the American Flag at each meeting. The Color Bearer receiving the lesser number of votes shall advance and retire the Maryland Flag at each meeting.

Section 13. Absence of the Presidents In the absence of the President, Senior Vice President and Junior Vice President from any meeting, the most immediate Past President in attendance shall preside.

Section 14. Release of Auxiliary Property at Term of Office Completion Each officer shall immediately turn over to her/his elected successor all Auxiliary properties in her/his possession at the end of her/his term of office, as well as written procedure (standard operating procedure) which will be a guideline for accomplishing duties of respective offices.

Section 1. Ads and Patrons Committee
The Ads and Patrons Committee shall obtain funds to defray expenses incurred in the printing of the procedure book through selling ads and boosters for inclusion in the book. The Committee will submit an annual report at the Fall Conference.

Section 2. Audit Committee
The Auditing Committee shall be comprised of eight (8) Past Presidents, one of which shall be appointed as chairperson. Five of the eight past presidents must be present for the entire audit for it to be valid. Appointments shall be done annually by the President. The Audit Committee shall audit the Financial Records of the President, Treasurer, Financial Secretary, and the Bessie Marshall Benefit Chairperson. All books shall be audited three times yearly. The first audit to be held within thirty (30) days prior to the Fall Conference, report to be given at the Fall Conference. The second audit to be held within thirty (30) days prior to the Spring Conference. The report to be given at Spring Conference. The third audit shall be held between July 1st and prior to July 30th, report to be printed in the Proceedings Book on a separate page following the minutes of the Convention. Officers named shall attend the audits at the designated time and place. A copy of the report shall be submitted to the above named Officers and the Recording Secretary.

Section 3. Bessie Marshall Benefit Committee
The Bessie Marshall Benefit Committee shall receive and process all applications for benefits. They shall meet at least annually to plan fundraising activities and conduct other business. The amount of the benefit shall be reviewed at least every five (5) years. Any adjustment to the amount of the benefit paid to recipients shall be confirmed by the body and will become effective on the first of the month following the confirmation. The Bessie Marshall Benefit Chairperson, with at least two other committee members, shall review each application. At least two members must agree for payment to be made. The Bessie Marshall Benefit Chairperson shall keep a permanent record of all cases, receipts, expenditures, and other relevant information. She/he shall report financial transactions at each Conference and at Convention. She/he shall be a member of the Executive Committee. She/he shall have a working fund of five hundred dollars ($500.00). She/he shall be reimbursed for all expenses, limited to supplies, postage and telephone and receive seventy-five dollars ($75.00) to defray other miscellaneous expenses. All expenses shall be paid from the Bessie Marshall Benefit Fund. Must submit a financial report (example found in the Procedure Book) with monies turned in to the Financial Secretary, and will submit an annual report to include the financial status to the Recording Secretary to be published in the procedure book. She/he shall issue an income tax form to recipients of the funds in accordance with federal and state requirements.

Section 4. Conference Chairperson
The Conference Chairperson shall make arrangements for the meeting place of the Fall and Spring Conferences and notify the President, Officers, Past Presidents, Publicity Chairperson, and all member auxiliaries of said place. She/he shall extend a written invitation to the Maryland State Firemen’s Association’s President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Financial Secretary and Chief Chaplain to be guests of the Ladies Auxiliary at all Fall and Spring Conferences. Must submit a financial report (example printed in the procedure book) with any monies turned in to the Financial Secretary at Conferences and Convention with a copy to the Recording Secretary, and will submit an annual report to the Recording Secretary for inclusion in the procedure book. She/he shall receive a working fund of five hundred dollars ($500.00) per conference.

Section 5. The Constitution and Bylaws Committee
The Constitution and Bylaws Committee, chaired by the Senior Vice President, with the Parliamentarian and three other appointed members. They shall receive all proposed amendments, study them carefully at a meeting to be held at a specified time and place, and present them to the Auxiliary in the manner set forth by Article X, Section1. The Committee shall be responsible for maintaining a permanent record of the Constitution and Bylaws in a separate book. All approved amendments with the date passed will be added to the permanent record in the section to which it applies.

Section 6. Convention Committee
The Convention Committee shall work in liaison with the Maryland State Firemen’s Association Convention Committee.

Section 7. Credential Committee
The Credential Committee shall consist of at least twelve (12) members including the Chairperson, and receive from the Recording Secretary all credential sheets and the roll of active auxiliaries from which the committee shall prepare a credential book to be used at meetings. This committee shall be responsible for reporting at each session the number of auxiliaries, officers, delegates, alternates, Past Presidents and guests present. The Credential Committee Chairperson shall receive a working fund of twenty dollars ($20.00). Must submit a financial report (example printed in the procedure book) with any monies turned over to the Financial Secretary at Conferences and Convention with a copy to the Recording Secretary and the Pins and Badges Chairperson, and will submit an annual report to the Recording Secretary for inclusion in the procedure book.

Section 8. Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall recommend the amount of the bond of the President, Financial Secretary, Treasurer, Bessie Marshall Benefit Chairperson, Ads and Patrons Chairperson, Conference Chairperson and Ways and Means Chairperson; review all business of the Auxiliary requiring attention between meetings, have control and supervision over all properties belonging to the Auxiliary, and look after its interests generally. The Executive Committee shall meet only in case of an emergency, at the request of the President or request in writing from five (5) member auxiliaries. All expenses for said meeting shall be incurred by the Auxiliary. Twenty-five (25) members shall constitute a quorum and a majority vote of those present shall decide all questions on making recommendations to the body.

Section 9. Exhibits Committee
The Exhibits Committee shall prepare committee identification signs for conferences and convention, and any other related materials requested by the President.

Section 10. Fire Prevention Committee
The Fire Prevention Committee shall encourage and promote a program of fire prevention among the auxiliaries, supplying them with material and suggestions when possible. It shall make an annual report and prepare exhibits and promotional material for convention. Said committee shall be provided with a working fund of seventy-five dollars ($75.00). Must submit a financial report (example printed in the procedure book) with monies turned in to the Financial Secretary at Conferences and Convention with a copy to the Recording Secretary, and will submit an annual report to the Recording Secretary for inclusion in the procedure book.

Section 11. Hall of Fame Committee
Hall of Fame Committee shall be responsible for the selection of members to the Hall of Fame. They shall provide copies of the rules to the Corresponding Secretary for the February 1st mailing to all auxiliaries. The chairperson shall receive a working fund of $75.00. He/She must submit a financial report to the Financial Secretary at the annual convention with a copy to the Recording Secretary. The committee shall consist of a chairperson, and at least three (3) other members.

Hall of Fame Committee Responsibilities:
a. The Hall of Fame Committee shall be responsible for the selection of the nominees for the annual Hall of Fame Award as listed in the LAMSFA Hall of Fame Nomination Rules. The rules may be found in the annual Procedure Book.
b. The Hall of Fame Committee shall consist of not more than nine (9) individuals.
c. These individuals shall be from various regions of the State.
d. Each member of the Hall of Fame Committee must have been inducted into the LAMSFA Hall of Fame before being appointed to the committee.
e. The current President of the LAMSFA shall be invited to attend the meeting for the selection of the Hall of Fame Award winners.
f. The Hall of Fame Committee shall have one (1) raffle at each Conference and Convention to help defray the expensed of the Award costs.

Section 12. Incentive Programs Committee
The Incentive Programs Committee will be responsible for monitoring incentive programs, coordinate the collection of information for programs such as Income Tax Modification for the Ladies’ Auxiliary and the other programs that might come about, to provide for volunteer fire, rescue and emergency medical services personnel – Ladies’ Auxiliary. The Committee will consist of a Chairperson and at least nine (9) members, but not more than twenty-three (23) members who shall cover the various areas of the State. On the assigned date of each year, the chairperson will submit a report stating the participation in the point system by the various local auxiliaries with the names and Social Security number of individuals who qualify for the subtraction modification for the preceding taxable year to the Maryland State Firemen’s Association’s Incentive Programs Committee Chairperson, who will forward the report to the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services and the Office of the Comptroller. She/he will be reimbursed for expenses limited to essential supplies and shall receive seventy-five dollars ($75.00) working fund.

Section 13. Judge and Tellers
The Judge and Tellers committee shall count all votes. The Judge shall be responsible for the ballots and for presenting the proposed election procedures at Spring Conference.

Section 14. Legislative -17 State Circle Committee
The Legislative -17 State Circle Committee shall work in conjunction with the Maryland State Firemen’s Association Legislative Committee in keeping the Auxiliary informed of bills proposed and passed. Said Committee shall be reimbursed for expenses limited to postage and phone.

Section 15. Membership Committee
The Membership Committee, chaired by the Junior Vice President, shall organize auxiliaries, investigate eligibility of applicants, seek out new members and encourage attendance and rejoining of former members.

Section 16. Music Committee
The Music Committee shall provide music for the conferences and convention at the request of the President.

Section 17. Pages
The Pages shall act as messengers at all times and assist the Guard with her/his duties as needed; including monitoring the doors during election to be sure no ballots leave the meeting room.

Section 18. Parliamentarian
The duties of the Parliamentarian shall be to advise the President in all Matters of Parliamentary Procedure and interpretations of the Constitution and Bylaws. The chair/body shall have the final ruling. She/he shall serve as a member of the Constitution and Bylaws Committee.

Section 19. Pins and Badges Committee
The Pins and Badges Committee shall be responsible for purchasing the pins and badges for all officers, the immediate Past President, and convention. It shall arrange to purchase and sell articles denoting membership in L.A.M.S.F.A., M.S.F.A., and items relating to Ladies Auxiliary, Auxiliary, Fire Department, and EMS. The Pins and Badges Committee shall be authorized to purchase needed articles to be sold when inventory of supplies reaches the level of $500.00. Must submit a financial report (example printed in the procedure book) with monies turned in to the Financial Secretary at Conferences and Convention with a copy to the Recording Secretary, and will submit an annual report to the Recording Secretary for inclusion in the procedure book. She/he shall receive a working fund of fifty dollars ($50.00).

Section 20. Stand Procedure Committee
The Standard Procedures Committee shall establish and maintain a current permanent record of all LAMSFA procedures. The Standard Procedures Committee shall coordinate and validate all procedures with the Constitution and Bylaws. The outgoing Committee at the end of their term shall make available to every applicable officer and committee chairperson a copy of their pertinent procedures upon request. Changes to any LAMSFA procedures shall be submitted to the Standard Procedures Committee for review, and action or recommendation. Administrative procedures shall be reviewed and approved by the Committee. Changes or additions to procedures shall be reviewed by the Committee and submitted with an accompanying recommendation to the LAMSFA for a simple majority vote for adoption at Conferences or Convention. The Standard Procedures Committee shall consist of a minimum of five members, of which one shall be the immediate Past President. The Committee Chairperson shall be the Junior Vice President. The Standard Procedures Committee shall have a liaison on the Constitution and By-Laws Committee. Changes or additions to procedures shall be reviewed by the Committee and submitted with an accompanying recommendation to the LAMSFA for a simple majority vote for adoption at Conference or Convention.

Section 21. Public Relations
The Public Relations Chairperson shall act as liaison between the Maryland State Firemen’s Association and the Auxiliary.

Section 22. Convention Memorial Committee
The committee shall be responsible for securing the Maryland State Flags, cases, and engraving to be presented at the Convention Memorial Service.

The following people may receive a flag:

  • Present Officers: MSFA, LAMSFA
  • Past Officers: MSFA, LAMSFA
  • Present Committee Chairs: MSFA, LAMSFA
  • Past Presidents: MSFA, LAMSFA
  • Line of Duty Deaths

The committee shall be reimbursed for expenses up to $500.00.

Section 23. Safety Committee
The Safety Committee shall establish and promote a program on safety among the member auxiliaries, supplying educational material and suggestions when possible. It shall make an annual report and prepare displays and promotional data for convention. Must submit a financial report (example printed in the procedure book) with monies turned in to the Financial Secretary at Conferences and Convention with a copy to the Recording Secretary, and will submit an annual report to the Recording Secretary for inclusion in the procedure book.

Section 24. Mary Smith Purdum Scholarship Committee
The Mary Smith Purdum Scholarship Committee shall be responsible for selecting a student with junior or senior status who is enrolled in one of the following: Fire Protection Engineering, Fire Science Management, or EMS Program, to receive a Grant-in-aid award in the amount to be determined by the body at the Spring Conference for one year. The student must maintain a passing grade and meet the program’s eligibility requirements to receive the award for more than one year.

Section 25. County Organizers
The County Organizers Committee shall send cards to members of auxiliaries in case of sickness or death, and assist all standing Committees at the direction of the President.

Section 26. Ways and Means Committee
The Ways and Means Committee shall be responsible for maintaining the finances of the Auxiliary through fund raising activities and donations. Said committee shall be provided with a working fund of seventy-five dollars ($75.00). Must submit a financial report (example printed in the procedure book) with monies turned in to the Financial Secretary at Conferences and Convention with a copy to the Recording Secretary, and will submit an annual report to the Recording Secretary for inclusion in the procedure book.

Section 27. The $10,000 Raffle Committee
The President shall appoint a member of the Ladies Auxiliary to assist the Maryland State Firemen’s Association $10,000 Raffle Committee. She/he shall be responsible for hand distribution only of raffle tickets to each auxiliary. If hand delivery cannot be accomplished they will be returned to the Maryland State Firemen’s Association for redistribution by that committee. The chairperson shall keep a record of all funds collected and turn said over to the Maryland State Firemen’s Association committee. She/he shall make an annual report at Convention.

Section 28. President’s Vehicle Committee
The President’s Vehicle Committee shall consist of a Chairperson, the Sr. Vice President, Jr. Vice President and six additional members. This committee will be responsible to hold one major fundraiser to help with the monetary upkeep of the vehicle and its eventual replacement. This committee shall receive all bills on a monthly schedule pertaining to the vehicle for review, confirm all expenditures and pass to the President for payment. Copies of all charges shall also be sent to the MSFA Financial Secretary monthly for confirmation with their credit card statements. This committee will also validate that the President’s vehicle usage and operation conforms to the MSFA Standards and Procedures.

Section 29. Committee Financial Reports
All committees who handle money must submit a financial report (example printed in the procedure book) with monies turned in to the Financial Secretary at Conferences and Convention with a copy to the Recording Secretary. The Conference Chairperson and Bessie Marshall, Fire Prevention, Pins and Badges, Safety, and Ways and Means Committees will submit an annual report to the Recording Secretary for inclusion in the procedure book. The Ads and Patrons Committee will submit an annual report at the Fall Conference.

Section 30. Special Committee Working Funds
Any special committee appointed by the President shall receive a working fund of fifty dollars ($50.00), if necessary.

Section 31. Committee Expense Limits
No committee, except the Pins and Badges shall spend more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) for items to sell without the permission of the body of the Ladies’ Auxiliary.

Section 32. Release of Auxiliary Property at Term of Office Completion
Each chairperson shall immediately turn over to her/his appointed successor all Auxiliary properties in her/his possession at the end of her/his term of office, as well as a written procedure (standard operating procedure) which will be a guideline for accomplishing duties of respective offices.

Section 1. Requirements to Amend
The Constitution may be amended by written ballot at annual convention by a vote of two-thirds (?) of the delegates and Past Presidents present and voting; provided the amendment or revision has been submitted in writing to the Constitution and Bylaws committee by January 15th of each year. The proposed bylaw amendments will be presented and distributed at Spring Conference. The Corresponding Secretary will mail a sample ballot of all proposed amendments immediately following Spring Conference to any Auxiliary and Past President that were not in attendance.

Section 2. Amendment Publication
All amendments passed at convention shall be printed in the complete form in the procedure book, on a separate page under the heading of “New Amendments.”


Section 1. Special Meetings
Special meetings shall be called by the President at the written request of five (5) active member auxiliaries.

Section 2. Past President Participation
All Past Presidents shall be entitled to participate in the proceedings of all meetings.

Section 3. Balloting and Roll Call
Delegates and Past Presidents shall cast all ballots and answer to all roll call votes.

Section 4. Roll Call Vote
Roll call votes shall be taken at the request of any three (3) active member auxiliaries.

Section 5. Closing Debate
The “previous question” may be called for by any three (3) active member auxiliaries. If it is so ordered, all debate shall cease and the pending question shall be put to the body.

Section 6. Points of Order
The President shall decide all questions of order without debate subject to an appeal of the body. In case of an appeal the point of order may be debated.

Section 7. Point of Order Decorum
A member called to order shall be seated immediately until the point of order is decided at which time she/he shall be entitled to the floor. Each member shall confine herself/himself to the question and shall not use any personalities or indecorous language.

Section 8. Prohibition of Flaming Articles
No flaming articles, such as candles, shall be used in installation ceremonies, Memorial Services, or other activities of the Auxiliary.

Section 9. Bylaw Amendment Process
The Bylaws may be amended by written ballot at annual convention by a vote of two-thirds (?) of the delegates and Past Presidents present and voting; provided the amendment or revision has been submitted in writing to the Constitution and Bylaws Committee by January 15th of each year. The proposed bylaw amendments will be distributed at Spring Conference. The Corresponding Secretary will mail a sample ballot of all proposed amendments immediately following Spring Conference to any Auxiliary and Past President that were not in attendance.

Section 10. Order of Business

The order of business shall be:

  1. Call to order
  2. Invocation
  3. Presentation of Colors
  4. Pledge of Allegiance and Conference Song
  5. Presentation of Guests
  6. Introduction of Past Presidents
  7. Nomination of Officers
  8. Minutes accepted as printed with corrections from the floor.
  9. Treasurer’s Report
  10. Financial Secretary’s Report
  11. Report of Officers and Committees
  12. Reading of Communications and Bills
  13. Unfinished Business and Discussion of Proposed Amendments
  14. Election of Officers/Voting on Proposed Amendments
  15. Installation of Officers
  16. New Business
  17. Suggestions for the Good of the Organization
  18. Adjournment

Adopted at Spring Conference, Hagerstown, Maryland, April 7, 1988.