Maryland State


Senator William H. Amoss Memorial Legislative Award

Submission Deadline: May 1

Maryland Sate Firemen's Association logo

Award Purpose:

Recognition of an individual’s contributions and determination in promoting the betterment of Maryland fire, rescue and emergency medical services through successful legislation and the legislative process.

Award Sponsor:

Harford-Cecil Volunteer Firemen's Association

Award Administration:

Award Description:

The Senator William H. Amoss Memorial Legislative Award was created to honor an individual who served over 20 years actively representing the Maryland fire, rescue, and emergency medical services, throughout the State, in a legislative capacity both in the House of Delegates and the State Senate. In 1998, the Maryland General Assembly recognized Senator Amoss’ dedication to the Maryland fire, rescue, and emergency medical services by renaming Senate Bill 508, the “Senator William H. Amoss Fund.” Introduced in 1985 by Senator Amoss, the 508 Bill was created to financially assist the Maryland fire, rescue, and emergency medical services departments on an annual basis. This award was presented by the Harford-Cecil Volunteer Firemen’s Association and accepted by the MSFA Executive Committee in 1999.

Award Qualifications

For a candidate to be considered for this award, he/she must meet at least (1) one of the following criteria:

  • Be a duly elected legislative official representing a Maryland municipality, a Maryland county, the State of Maryland, or the Federal Government.
  • Be a member of the MSFA Legislative Committee.
  • Be a member of a county emergency services association’s legislative committee that is recognized by the MSFA.
  • Be a member of a regional emergency services association’s legislative committee that is recognized by the MSFA.
  • Be a state citizen who is not a member of a fire / EMS/rescue department or company.

Award Rules

1. All nominations must be submitted by a representative of an active member company or department, in good standing, of the MSFA.

2. All nominations must be in written form, on an individual basis, and submitted on company or department letterhead or stationary. A photograph of the nominee shall also be submitted.

3. All nominations must include the following:

a. A letter of recommendation / resume

b. Accomplishments of the nominee

4. All nominations must be received by May 1st of each year.

5. The judges shall be the MSFA Legislative Committee.

6. All nominations are to be submitted to:

MSFA Legislative Committee
17 State Circle
Annapolis, MD 21401