Harford County Volunteer Fire and Ambulance Association 4th Wednesday of each month Meal 7:00pm Meeting 7:30pm
Please visit the NVFC Marc Muller Fire Prevention Award page for more details regarding the nomination submission process.
Please visit the Russell J. Strickland Award page for more details regarding the nomination submission process.
Carroll County Volunteer Emergency Services Association 1st Monday each month Meeting 7:00pm All Meetings will be held at the Carroll County Training Center, Westminster No Meals
St. Mary’s County Ambulance and Rescue Association 1st Thursday of each month Meeting 7:00pm All meetings at the Public Safety Building 23090 Leonard Hall Rd
Anne Arundel County Volunteer Firefighter’s Association 1st Friday each month Meeting 7:00pm
Charles County Volunteer Firemen’s Association 2nd Monday each odd month Meeting 7:00pm No Meals President - Richard E. ( Rick ) Bowie, email r.bowie@rcpllc.com 301-643-4242
Calvert County Volunteer Fire and Rescue Association 2nd Monday each month Meeting 7:30pm All meetings are held at the Prince Frederick VRS No Meals President - William Freesland 410-474-6543 bill.Freesland@exelon.com
Prince George’s County Volunteer Fire and Rescue Association 2nd Wednesday of each month Dinner - 6:30 pm Meeting 7:30pm
Caroline County Volunteer Firemen’s Association 2nd Wednesday of each odd month Meal 7:00pm Meeting 7:30pm President -
2nd Wednesday of each month Meeting 7:30pm NO Meeting in July or August President K.C. Harrington 410-352-5778 kcharrington950@aol.com
Frederick County Volunteer Fire and Rescue Association 3rd Thursday of each odd month Meeting 7:30pm President - Jimmy May 301-788-2448 jimmymay2@comcast.net
Harford - Cecil Counties Volunteer Firemen’s Association 2nd Friday of each odd month Meeting 7:00pm
Cecil County Volunteer Firemen’s Association 3rd Monday each month Meeting 7:30pm NO Meeting in June
3rd Tuesday of each month Meeting 7:30pm President - Donald Messick donald.sue@comcast.net
Kent-Queen Anne’s Volunteer Fire, EMS and Rescue Association 3rd Wednesday of each odd month Meeting 7:00pm
Montgomery County Volunteer Fire/Rescue Association 3rd Thursday of each month Dinner 6:30pm Meeting 7pm
3rd Thursday of each month Dinner - 6:30pm Meeting 7:00pm President -
St. Mary’s County Fire Board Association 3rd Thursday of each month Meeting 7:00pm All meetings at the Public Safety Building. 23090 Leonard Hall Rd(No meeting in June)
Harford County Volunteer Fire and Ambulance Association 4th Wednesday of each month Meal 7:00pm Meeting 7:30pm
Garrett County Volunteer Firemen’s Association Last Wednesday of each odd month Meeting 7:30pm
Please visit the Jr. Miss MSFA Fire Prevention Contest page for more details regarding the application process.
Please visit the Francis L. Brannigan Instructor Of The Year Award page for more details regarding the nomination submission process.
Southern Maryland Volunteer Firemen’s Association Last Monday of each odd month Meeting 7:30pm
Invoices for annual MSFA dues are mailed to every Member Company on December 20th. Dues for member departments are $200 and associate members $50. All checks should be made payable to the Maryland State Firemen's Association and mailed to the Office of the Financial Secretary, P.O. Box 401, Jarrettsville, MD 21084. The Department Credentials form should be completed by […]
St. Mary’s County Ambulance and Rescue Association 1st Thursday of each month Meeting 7:00pm All meetings at the Public Safety Building 23090 Leonard Hall Rd
Anne Arundel County Volunteer Firefighter’s Association 1st Friday each month Meeting 7:00pm